Oil,Brake Fluid,Radiator Coolant Maintenance

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Oil,Brake Fluid,Radiator Coolant Maintenance
Fluids in the various systems in the car had a very important role. Radiator coolant, engine oil and transmission fluid and brake fluid is a part of that is in the car.

The main thing that must be controlled from a variety of fluids is volume. Make sure the amount in accordance with the limits specified by the manufacturer. Usually the upper limit is marked with lines or code 'F' (full).

But in addition to volume, condition or quality must also be examined. Because this affects the ability of the working fluid.

There are several features of liquid damage that can be seen directly by the owner of the car. But there is also only be known by testing using special tools. Here are some examples.

1. Oil

The task engine oil is to lubricate and cool the internal components are moving. A very rapid movement of the components requires a good oil and always in good health.

How to check, before the car is turned on in the morning, pull the oil dipstick and clean it. Enter and pull back. See and feel the oil stuck to the dipstick.

Oil should be in line maximum. Do not get less, but also avoid filling it up exceed this maximum limit.

The characteristics of the oil that was bad in them is the color that is blackish (turbid). And if digesekkan at the fingertips will feel rough. Taste is a sign that crude oil already contains a lot of metal powder and dirt.

2. Brake fluid

Brake systems rely on brake fluid to work. The volume of brake fluid in the reservoir tube can be used to determine the thickness of brake lining, other than irregularities in the system.

Depreciation Depreciation is proportional to the brake lining brake fluid regularly. While the drastic shrinkage of brake fluid is a sign of a leak in the brake system.

One of the problems that can reduce the performance of the brake fluid is water contamination. This water vapor will lower the boiling point of brake fluid. And the lower the boiling point, the lower the ability of its work.

Unfortunately the water content in brake fluid can only be known by means of tests, using a wet boiling tester. This check is done once a year with a record of the entire brake system works properly.

Brake fluid is hygroscopic which also easily absorb moisture from the air. Contact with air can occur anytime, from the initial unpacking brake fluid, air infiltration due to the less tightly seal between the automobile brake system components.

Moisture contamination can also occur because car owners are too diligent unscrew the reservoir to see his condition. So should the reservoir lid is opened only to add brake fluid is reduced.

3. Water Radiator

Radiator coolant or water also must be checked. Main volume, because water tends to decrease due to evaporation radiator or a leak in the system.

Radiator water quality can be seen from the color. If it looks cloudy or brown, you should do the replacement or draining water to the radiator.

Because of the murky water contaminated radiator rust, thus reducing the cooling ability of the liquid.

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